Support Groups
Mirielle Therapy Practice offers several small virtual support groups for women. While the thought of joining a group of strangers often feels intimidating initially, support groups often provide unique benefits that individual therapy does not. Groups provide an opportunity to connect and gain support from others who are experiencing similar thoughts, feelings, and situations while also gaining wisdom from the diversity among individual group members.
You can learn more about our group options below. INQUIRE TODAY by emailing [email protected].
Improving Your Body Image
When: Tuesdays, 11am – 12pm
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: $70 per session
This support group will allow women to better understand their relationship with food and their body. Food and body image issues can be quite overwhelming, but working alongside other women struggling with the same issues can help remind you that you are not alone and that you have support. Topics that will be addressed include identifying triggers, learning skills to combat triggers, processing and challenging long-held beliefs about your body, finding the type of exercise that works for you, and establishing healthy eating patterns.
The group is led by Kendall Contri Bierman, MHC-LP.
Queer Support Group
When: Every other Tuesday Evening
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: $70 per session
Queer Support Group with Psychotherapist Emily Chernow, Begins on July 11th, 2023.
Please find the Group Therapy Sign-up Form.
Queer folks often feel like they don’t have a sense of belonging in many aspects of life. Through this group, a safe space is created where we can openly discuss and further explore identity, provide support, and foster a sense of community. These confidential discussions will help provide the necessary tools to enter the world with pride and ownership of identity.